Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Hogan Lovells Jakarta Office Dewi Negara Fachri & Partners Annual Client Appreciation event

Team Fuzet Farid was graciously invited to attend the Annual Client Appreciation event hosted by Hogan Lovells Jakarta - Dewi Negara Fachri & Partners on 21 February 2019 at the Four Seasons Jakarta.

The event was graced by Mr Rudiantara, Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia who delivered the keynote address.

Special thanks to Dyah Paramita for the invite and huge congratulations to Team Hogan Lovells Jakarta for organising a wonderful event, well done!

Mr Rudiantara giving his keynote address.

Our Fuzet and Danial with our lovely host Dyah Paramita.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Discussion with the Securities Commission of Malaysia on proposed Initial Coin Offering (ICO) framework

Messrs Fuzet Farid had the pleasure to discuss with the officers from the Innovation & Strategy and Digital teams of the Securities Commission of Malaysia on the proposed Initial Coin Offering (ICO) framework which is in the consultative stage. The consultation papers can be found at the link at the SC website: (https://www.sc.com.my/regulation/consultation-papers).

Team Fuzet Farid with YM Tengku Zarina Tengku Chik (Director of Corporate Resources)
and Nurulhuda Nur'aini Mohamad Nor (Executive Director of Enforcement)